Free Event – Advances in Diagnosing and Treating Prostate Cancer

On Sunday, June 25, there is a FREE event at McCormick Place in Chicago called Advances in Diagnosing and Treating Prostate Cancer. It can be attended in-person or virtually!

This FREE event offers patients and caregivers a unique opportunity to learn about the role of nuclear medicine in diagnosing and treating disease. The morning sessions offer an overview of nuclear medicine, radiation safety, and clinical trials. This will be followed by lunch and breakout sessions specific to prostate cancer. You’ll also have an opportunity to tour the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging exhibit hall to learn about current and emerging technologies and pharmaceuticals.

Patient Education Day Schedule

9:30 am – McCormick Place Convention Center – Lakeside Building

Registration Opens

10:00 – 11:30 am CDT

General Sessions (available both in-person and virtually)

  • What is Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging? / Radiation Safety
    John Sunderland, PhD, MBA, Director of PET Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa
  • How to Understand and Evaluate Clinical Trials
    Thor Halfdanarson, MD, Professor of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
11:30 am – 12:45 pm CDT

FREE Luncheon (available in-person only)

  • Speaker: Comedian Steve Mazan, a patient with Neuroendocrine Tumors and subject of the documentary Dying to Do Letterman
1:00 – 1:45 pm CDT

Exhibit Hall/Poster Session Tour (available in-person only)

2:00 – 3:30 pm CDT

Breakout Sessions (available both in-person and virtually)

  • Prostate Cancer
    • Jan Manarite, Executive Vice President, Cancer ABCs
    • Gholam Berenji, MD, Nuclear Medicine Physician, University of California Los Angeles and VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
    • Hiten Patel, MD, Assistant Professor of Urology, Northwestern University
    • Mike Crosby, Founder, Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness Inc.
3:45 – 5:00 pm CDT
Reception (in-person only)

In Person Registrants: Please note that parking for this event is available at McCormick Place Lot C on Fort Dearborn Drive. Patient Education Day staff will validate your parking, so there will be no cost to park in the lot for the day. 

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