Support Group Meeting – June 2022
We meet the 1st Wednesday of every month with Dr. Brian Moran, a world-class expert in the research and treatment of prostate cancer.
These free monthly meetings are open to new patients, prostate cancer alumni, wives, partners, family members and any others who are interested in prostate cancer and treatment options.
- Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are looking to discuss treatment options?
- Want to share your prostate cancer treatment experience with others?
- Want to ask specific questions about diagnosis, treatment options, meet others in similar situations or just listen?
- New patients, survivors, wives, partners, family members and friends all welcome!
Meetings are hosted at the Downers Grove Township Community Center, our partner in serving persons living with cancer.
For more information, contact Kelly O’Brien, the PCFC Executive Director at 630.366.7861. PCFC is also available to provide prostate cancer wellness educational presentations for your employee wellness program or at meetings of your community, church, or other organization.