
Monthly Informational

Informational Meetings

Every time you walk away, you’re going to learn something, you’re going to share something with somebody, and if you can help one person, that’s I think the best thing that we can do.”

Our free monthly meetings are open to new patients, prostate cancer alumni, wives, partners, family members and any others who are interested in prostate cancer and treatment options. Click on the button below to see the calendar of meetings.

Meetings are hosted at the Wellness House in Hinsdale, our partner in serving persons living with cancer.

Wellness House
131 N County Line Rd, Hinsdale, IL 60521 

Please register here so we can make sure we have enough room and can contact you with any meeting changes. 

Updates are also posted on Facebook:

For more information, contact Kelly O’Brien, the PCFC Executive Director at 630.248.0717.  PCFC is also available to provide prostate cancer wellness educational presentations for your employee wellness program or at meetings of your community, church, or other organization.

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